UPDATE: According to the CGPD, this event will be postponed.
Cedar Grove, New Jersey: The Cedar Grove Police Department will present a Bicycle Safety Event for local children who are in Kindergarten throough 8th grade this Saturday, May 16th at Cedar Grove High School's main parking lot from 9:00am to 12:00pm. Cedar Grove Polcice Officers will inspect bicycles and helmets to ensure safety, and will record bicycles in a registration logs. A limited number of helmets will be distributed to children. In addition, a road course will be set up in the parking lot to help children learn how the rules of the road apply to bicyclists. Cedar Grove High School is located at 160 Rugby Road. Sponsors of this event include the Brain Injury Alliance of New Jersey, the Cedar Grove Police Department, and AAA. To learn more, call (973) 239-4100, or send an email to czajack@cedargrovepd.org.
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