Only on Part of a an episode of 'Primetime: What Would You Do?' (WWYD) which aired on Friday night was recently filmed in South Orange. The ABC show is hosted by John QuiƱones, and creates scenarios in order to capture the reactions of people standing nearby with hidden cameras. The South Orange episode was filmed outside of Stony's on Sloan Street on July 29. In this scenario, a mechanical baby with a recording of a child crying was left in a parked car by a parent, to give the impression that a baby was locked inside. While some people walked by, two people called 911, while others confronted the parent.
"We...thought it was worth doing because there have been so many cases of this in the news recently", producer Tarik Flannagan told Essex County Place.
"Over the years that the show has been on the air, we have filmed in South Orange several times", said Flannagan. "We remembered that the location (on Sloan St) had a lot of foot traffic and thought it would be good for our needs". The show has previously filmed at Ashley Marketplace, South Orange Pharmacy, and outside of the former Blockbuster video store on South Orange Avenue.
According to Flannagan, officials were aware of the scenario. "We did contact the South Orange Police Department and 911 Dispatch in advance so they were aware of our filming. Along with our undercover security who was on hand, there was actually a South Orange Police officer as well".
Part of the segment also aired on ABC news magazine 20/20 following the WWYD episode.
The segment can be viewed here.
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