South Orange and Maplewood will celebrate National Night Out tonight. In South Orange, festivities will take place at Flood's Hill in Meadowland Park starting at 6:30pm. Activities include a public safety fair, a kids zone, and a merchandise giveaway. In addition, the Lego Movie will be shown at 8:30pm. In Maplewood, the events will start at 6:00pm and conclude at 9:00pm in Dehart Park. According to the Maplewood Police Department, "the event is to promote various crime prevention programs including: neighborhood watch groups, neighbor home security surveys and crime prevention tips". Activities include a bounce house, video game truck, and a dunk tank. Emergency equipment will be on display.
The first annual PlayDay South Orange will take place on Sunday, September 21 from 1pm to 6pm. According to the South Orange Village Center Alliance, "PlayDay is the one day when everyone gathers together to celebrate and play in the street of the South Orange Village Center. This is the largest public event in South Orange and will allow our entire community to literally play in the street with athletic tournaments, fitness activities, table games, street games, inflatable games, art installations, music, food and dance." Activities will take place throughout the village center.
First Night will return to South Orange and Maplewood after a two year hiatus. The local New Year's Eve tradition will take place this year at Columbia High School from 5pm to 10pm. “I am thrilled to help bring First Night back to our community,” said Michael Goldberg, President of the First Night Board.
Rock and roll band 'The Nerds' will perform at the event. First Night of Maplewood and South Orange is sponsored by Atlantic Health, BCB Community Bank, and the Townships of Maplewood and South Orange Village. According to the First Night website, volunteers are needed to help both in planning the event, and on the night itself. A meeting will be held regarding the event on August 12 at 7:30pm in the South Orange Plaza building at 76 South Orange Avenue in South Orange.
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