The Columbia High School Club Council has announced that the 2014 CHS-In-Action Night will be on Wednesday, April 16th from 6:30PM to 9:30PM.
An email to middle school and high school parents said that "Columbia’s Student Council is cordially inviting the entire South Orange-Maplewood community, especially middle school students and their parents, to come and see what CHS is all about".
The Special Dance team, Shakespeare Festival club, and Step Dance team will each be performing at CHS-In-Action Night, in addition to the Columbia High School Band, State Champion Fencing team, and Acapella Choir.
"Every group and organization present will have representatives eager to speak to the community members and introduce 8th graders to our CHS family", said the email, "CHS-in-Action (Night) is a great way for middle school students and their parents to see and get excited about all of the amazing activities going on at CHS".
Attendees will be able to climb to the Astronomy Club observatory at the top of the clock tower, and take a behind-the-scenes tour at the Columbia Cable Network (CCN) studios. Attendees can also visit the Columbia High School Science Fair.
Columbia High School is located at 17 Parker Avenue in Maplewood.