Friday, March 4, 2016

Assisted Living Facility Proposed for Livingston

Livingston, New Jersey: More senior citizen housing could be built in suburban Essex County.

According to a legal notice from the Township of Livingston, Sunrise Development is planning to build an assisted living facility at 290 South Orange Avenue, east of the Livingston Mall near the Raceway gas station. There is currently a house on the property, which is heavily wooded. The facility would be three stories tall, and would contain 105 units if approved. Sunrise operates several New Jersey assisted living facilities, including one in Fairfield.

A public hearing regarding the proposal will be held at a special meeting of the Livingston Township Planinng Board at the Municipal Building on Tuesday, March 15th, beginning at 8:00pm.

Another assisted living facility is currently being constructed across the Township on Mount Pleasant Avenue.

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