Monday, October 27, 2014

Newark History Society to Host Program About 'Newark’s Unknown Abolitionist'

The Newark History Society will sponsor a free program about William Hayes Ward, "Newark’s Unknown Abolitionist', on Monday, November 10 at 6:00pm.

Tom Alrutz, a former director of the Newark Public Library, will speak about Ward, who was a writer and editor-in-chief of The Independent, an abolitionist newspaper. Ward also worked to establish black colleges and schools in the South, and was a speaker at the first National Negro Conference in 1909. 

Ward's house at 54 Abington Avenue in the Forest Hill neighborhood recently was designated a landmark by the Newark Preservation and Landmarks Committee.

The program will take place at the New Jersey Historical Society at 52 Park Place next to WBGO-FM. Refreshments will be served.

Those interested in attending shold RSVP to or 
973-376-8273 by November 6.

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