Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Mixed-Use Development Planned for Site of Newark Parking Lot

NEWARK, N.J.: After decades of buildings throughout Newark being demolished to make way for parking lots, it is clear that the trend is finally reversing.

Now, a new building has been proposed for the site of one of the largest private surface parking lots in Downtown Newark. According to a legal notice, a mixed-use development has been proposed for the property consisting of 296-304 and 308-320 Mulberry Street and 12, 14, and Rear 22 Cottage Street in the city's East Ward, just southeast of the federal government complex. The proposal calls for the structure to be six stories tall, and for it to contain 254,393 square feet of retail and commercial space.

Developer Steven Lenter, who appears to be affiliated with parking lot operator L.A. Parking Corporation, has applied for Preliminary and Final Major Site Plan approval with variances for setback and wall signage. The Newark Central Planning Board will conduct a public hearing before voting on the proposal during its meeting on Monday, July 24th at 6:30pm at City Hall.

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