Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Letter to the Editor: "There is No Doubt JAC Saved Many Animals, But at What Price?"

Note: Essex County Place does not endorse any letters to the editor.

I would like to respond to the Letter to the Editor by L. Wasserman. The first two paragraphs are basically the only accurate statements made in this article. And, there is no doubt JAC (Jersey Animal Coalition) saved many animals, but at what price? 

It is unfortunate that Maplewood has contracted with Newark AHS, but this could have been avoided if JAC had adhered to the laws of the New Jersey Department of Health. Instead inept management, a non-effective Board of Trustees and the need for power ran the shelter into the ground. Did the NJDOH make up all the violations resulting from their investigation? Why didn't JAC fix them? 

No animal was turned away? Really, how many residents were told by the Shelter Manager and President "we don't have room for that animal (usually a cat)"? 

"No cost to taxpayers"? How much did JAC pay to rent the property in South Orange? How much money did South Orange and Maplewood pay to help build the shelter? How many times were the police called to the shelter by the Manager? 

With 80+ violations resulting from the NJDOH investigation, exactly how much "care and compassion" were the animals receiving at JAC? Animals were sent to the shelter veterinarian and never seen again, what happened to them? 

Rest In Peace, Lickety Split, Lucky, Charles, beautiful Juliette and all the other animals that died at this shelter. 

Nancy Schetelick 
Ex-Volunteer Coordinator

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