In an email to Essex County Place, Kathy Kohlman of the Garden Club said, "Odette was born in France and has never quite lost her lovely French accent. She was a long time active member of the Garden Club who has since moved to California to be closer to her family. Odette left behind many friends in the Garden Club and especially enjoyed caring for her plants in the municipal greenhouse. In appreciation for the club and the many years she spent with it she made a very generous donation that the board chose to use to build a bridge over the HIlton Rain Garden in a style reminiscent of the bridge in Monet's garden in Giverny, France".
After the dedication, Amy Rowe, David Nial, Joanne Beckerich and Kohlman will speak about the importance of rain gardens.
The Hilton Rain Garden is a 2400 square foot garden which is located next to the Hilton Branch of the Maplewood Memorial Library on Springfield Avenue. The Rain Garden collects storm water runoff from the library parking lot and roof. Kohlman said that around 100 native plants are located in the garden, which "help the storm water permeate the soil, cleanse the water and provide natural habitat for native wildlife and pollinators". The Hilton Rain Garden is one of the largest rain gardens in the New Jersey.
MONET IN MAPLEWOOD: Celebrating the New Hilton Rain Garden Bridge Saturday, June 28
Hilton Rain Garden
1688 Springfield Avenue, Maplewood
Photo courtesy of the Maplewood Garden Club.